Browsing Hygiene: My Holy Trinity Of Browser Plugins

A few days ago, a friend asked me about computer security and privacy. He wanted to learn how to be safe online and be up-to-date with the different kinds of risks that exist on the internet. Also, he doesn’t have a background related to technology. I must admit that I blanked. That request is very logical and pertinent in our current world, but how do I answer it? I have spent the best part of the past six years learning about computers and don’t feel even remotely close to provide a comprehensive response. [Read More]

The Fastly outage: a tale about the modern Web

A few days ago I wrote a Twitter thread about the global Fastly outage that was taking place at the moment. Following my trend of recycling content for this blog, I’ll repost it here. Right now there is a global outage that is affecting some of the most used websites, making them partially or completely unavailable. The reason is a failure in a company that you may have never heard of called Fastly. [Read More]

Autoscaling workloads with Celery and Kubernetes

Kubernetes offers a wide range of functionalities to manage containerized applications and create complex distributed systems. One such utility is to automatically scale the number of replicas in a deployment when the workload increases. In this post we’ll see a simple example of how to use Kubernetes’ Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to dynamically adjust the number of workers that are consuming a task queue in a Flask + Celery app. [Read More]

Detecting promotion of eating disorders in social media with NLP tools

Recently I graduated from Computer Engineering, so now I’m free! My final project “System for text classification in niche fields with few tagged data” was graded with honors and can be found here. The related code and datasets can be found here. Abstract The exponential increase in the generation of content on the Internet has forced the automation of management tasks that were previously carried out by humans, thus driven a great development of Artificial Intelligence techniques. [Read More]

Open source and business

This is an article I wrote (in spanish) a few days ago for the blog of Pulsar, an organization I’m part of that promotes the se of open source software. The original can be found here. En muchos casos se piensa del software libre como la contraposición al software ofrecido por compañías privadas. Si bien históricamente el software libre ha sido promovido por individuos y fundaciones para ofrecer alternativas abiertas a programas de código cerrado, esto ha cambiado en los últimos años. [Read More]

Web technologies

Intro In 1992, a scientist working at CERN created HTTP, a protocol to access files stored in remote computers, starting the Web as we know it. Since then, the scope of the usage of the Web has broadened greatly. For each new challenge, new approaches and technologies were introduced into the ecosystem. As a result, the Web nowadays is built on top of a very complex and heterogeneus set of technologies that developpers need to take into consideration when building or maintainning systems. [Read More]

Buzzwords: Internet

Listen here! Internet is one of the most important concepts in human history, if not the most. Born in sixties, it became a cultural phenomenon in the nineties with the creation of the web and the first web browsers. Nowadays, Internet is the foundation upon which most of the infraestructure and services we need in a daily basis are built on.  And, of course, it has changed the way we understand social interactions and information sharing. [Read More]