Tuenti Challenge 9 part 3

Hola, Internet!

I’m back again with the last post about the problems that I solved during the Tuenti Challenge 9. The previous two posts can be found under this tag. Today I’ll cover exercises 8, 9 and 10. Personally problems 8 and 10 were the most enjoyable.

Let’s go!

Challenge 8 - Tasty secrets

This is a find-your-way-in kind of problem. Presented only with a login form and told not to try brute-forcing. What could possibly be done to cross this apparently closed door?

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Tuenti Challenge 9 part 2

Hello, Internet!

In my previous post I talked about my solutions for the first 4 problems of the Tuenti Challenge 9. Today we’ll go up to the problem 7.

You can find all the posts with solutions grouped here.

Challenge 5 - Forbidden Love

Not much to say about this one.

We know that the messages are encoded so that each letter is substituted by the one located X columns and Y rows away from its original position in the keyboard of the used typewriter. We also know that every message ends with the first letter of the name of the sender. Since we are provided with the information of who sent each message, we just need to generate X and Y substracting the position of the last letter from the position of the letter that was supposed to be there.

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Tuenti Challenge 9 part 1

Hi, there!

For the last few days I’ve been participating in the Tuenti Challenge, a coding competition organized by the engineering team of Tuenti. There are a total of 20 problems that you need to solve in order with the possibility of skipping 3. Most of them are related with algorithmic search and optimization, but there are also some nice ones related with security.

This was my first time participating and I have to say that it was a really cool experience and I’m happy with what I’ve done: started 11 problems, solved 9, and finished the 66th out of at hundreds of participants. And most important, it has been very useful to remember things and learn new ones, as well as get faster scripting in Python.

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